Our Services

Model for Effectiveness in Knowledge Teams

Through rigorous research, testing and refinement over more than 20 years, we have developed a model of effectiveness for teams that use knowledge as their key resource.  The model includes the following elements:

  1. Factors that are critical for the success of knowledge teams;
  2. Relative importance of the factors in predicting team success;
  3. Relationship between the factors and implications for team development;
  4. An online survey that provides an assessment of your team’s perceived effectiveness;
  5. Comparison of your team’s results with other teams in your organisation, industry, country or region;
  6. Practical and specific guidelines for enhancing your team’s performance, based on your specific survey results;
  7. A comprehensive manual or workbook that you can incorporate with your Learning Management System or training and development program;
  8. On-going monitoring for continuous team learning and improvement.

KTEP Factor Definitions

The Knowledge Teams Effectiveness Profile (KTEP) assesses 17 factors that have been shown to be critical for success in teams that use knowledge as their key resource.  The factors are grouped into four clusters.  The cluster definitions are shown in the table below, followed by definitions of each of the factors.


Cluster Definitions





Setting the direction, gaining commitment and alignment, ensuring clarity of purpose, providing sufficient autonomy and ensuring delivery of products/services.

(Leadership is often shared informally in mature teams and is not necessarily the exclusive responsibility of one individual.)




Access to and appropriate use of the team’s physical and intellectual resources, including the explicit and tacit knowledge held by team members and their clients or stakeholders.
Processes Techniques, methods and communication styles that engage and integrate members for conflict management, collaborative decision making, cooperative work patterns and learning as a team.



Interpersonal relationships, communication patterns and social interactions between team members that support or hinder achievement of the team’s goals.

Leadership Factors


Inspirational Leadership the capacity of the designated leader(s) to develop a shared vision, stimulate creative thinking and gain the commitment of members
Project Management the capacity of the designated leader(s) to gain resources, set performance standards and deliver results within time and budgets
Clarity of Purpose the extent to which the goals and objectives of the team are clear to all members and each understands his/her role
Autonomy in Operation the degree of control and flexibility within the team to plan and conduct its work

Resource Factors


Professional Knowledge and Expertise the quality and diversity of professional/technical knowledge and expertise relevant to the team’s work
Equipment and Facilities the access to equipment, facilities or specialist techniques required to undertake the work
Knowledge Sharing the access to information and knowledge required to do the job and an awareness of the capabilities of others in the team
Market/Client Awareness the level of understanding of all members of the team of the needs and expectations of clients or key stakeholders

Process Factors


Conflict Management the ability of the team to use conflict constructively as part of the team’s creative process
Team Learning the ability of the team to evaluate its performance, build on its successes and learn from its mistakes
Creative Dialogue the extent to which divergent or lateral thinking is encouraged through team meetings and other communication processes
Decision Making and Implementation The extent to which members feel included in the decision making process on issues within the control of the team and the degree of ownership/commitment members have to implementing the team’s decisions

Dynamics Factors


Trust the extent to which members feel they can be open, honest and direct and can rely on each other for support
Respect for Individuals the extent to which the different capabilities and personal styles or preferences of individuals are respected and valued
Goodwill and Cooperation the capacity of the team members to cooperate and achieve results through informal and intuitive understandings
Alignment of Values the extent to which individual values and beliefs in relation to their work are aligned with team goals and priorities